Neutral Chairmanship
Psychosocial support
Do you have an important meeting where there are significant conflicting interests? In that case, a neutral chairman can provide a solution. The chairman is impartial and independent and ensures the safeguarding of all partners’ interests.
The chairman’s responsibilities revolve around communication and are determined in consultation with clients. You can also decide at any time that it’s enough, and then the neutral chairman will relinquish his duties.
Choosing a conflict guidance method: the lighter the better
Read moreWhat does neutral chairmanship entail?
The tasks of the neutral chairman may include: organizing meetings, structuring interim discussions, and overseeing processes and procedures. Tasks may also include motivating partners so they can focus on their interests or optimizing decision-making.
easons to choose neutral chairmanship
When there are significant conflicting interests that require external support, neutral chairmanship is a good choice. Het accent van de taken van de neutrale voorzitter ligt op het bewaken van alle belangen van alle partners. In cases of high tension and conflicting interests that have not yet escalated into a conflict, the use of a neutral chairman can provide a solution.
The benefits of neutral chairmanship:
- The partner(s) define the chairman’s job description.
- The chairman is impartial, independent, neutral, and focused on the future and potential solutions.
- Partners can decide at any time that the neutral chairman relinquishes his duties.
Are you looking for a neutral chairman? Or would you like to have a discussion about the possibilities in your situation? Feel free to contact us without any obligation.
About neutral chairmanship
Before neutral chairmanship
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