Negotiation guidance

Conflict Support

Negotiation guidance is a good choice when there are tensions between conflicting parties, such as strong conflicting interests, or when you can actually speak of an (incipient) conflict. The negotiation facilitator is the advisor of one of the conflicting parties at the table. The presence of the negotiation facilitator prevents escalation.

A negotiation facilitator conducts preparatory conversations with the client, thereby increasing their substantive expertise. The facilitator sits at the table to achieve the best possible result.



Choosing a conflict guidance method: the lighter the better

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What does negotiation guidance entail?

Depending on the client’s preferences, the negotiation advisor may be involved in the negotiation process at the table. The use of a negotiation advisor is worth considering when there is noticeable tension between the client and others, when there are strong conflicting interests, or when there is an emerging or visible conflict over a substantively important matter.
The client can critically examine their own role in the situation.

The outcome of the negotiations is important. Both the substantive part and the relationship with the conflict party. By using a negotiation advisor, you retain control over the agreements that are made.

Reasons to choose negotiation guidance

Conflicts affect the negotiation capacity of conflict parties to a greater or lesser extent. During a conflict, it can be useful to be able to consult with a neutral third party.

The benefits of negotiation guidance are:

  • The client’s substantive expertise is enhanced as a result of the preparatory conversations
  • At the negotiation table, the guide ensures the achievement of the best possible negotiation outcome.
  • Through the involvement of the negotiation advisor, the client also learns to negotiate better themselves.
  • Unnecessary escalation is prevented: bringing a negotiation advisor is not as threatening as, for example, bringing a lawyer.

Are you looking for a negotiation advisor? Or would you like to have a discussion about the possibilities of negotiation assistance? Feel free to contact us without obligation.


About negotiation facilitators


For negotiation facilitators

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