
Psychosocial support

Moderation is a form of conversation facilitation. A neutral subject matter expert is committed to preventing conflicts or mediating immediately when a conflict arises. Moderation works preventively, aiming to prevent conflicts.

This approach is useful in complex or conflict-prone collaboration projects. It can also be helpful when conflicting parties feel that they cannot resolve the issue together.


Choosing a conflict guidance method: the lighter the better

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What does moderation entail?

A moderator, as a subject matter expert, facilitates discussions in collaboration projects. It is a mild form of conflict prevention or mediation. A moderator smoothens the edges of communication. Furthermore, entrusting control to a neutral third party serves as the foundation for a more equitable environment.

Reasons to choose moderation

You use moderation in long-term projects with many potential conflict points. For example, in situations where there is a high likelihood of conflicting interests and potential conflicts.

The advantages of being a moderator are:

  • There is a constant presence at the collaboration or evaluation meetings of the involved participants. This helps prevent misunderstandings.
  • a project can be effectively managed.
  • The initial contact with the relevant stakeholders is neutral, which smoothes out communication.

Are you looking for a moderator? Or would you like to discuss the possibilities of moderation? Feel free to contact us without any obligation.


About moderation


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