Leadership coaching

What can a Merlijn coach do for your leadership challenges?

In the current world, it is important to be able to respond to what the environment demands from you and your organization. Change is no longer an exception but a daily occurrence. This demands a lot from your leadership. How do you personally handle it, and how do you involve your organization or team in it?

As a leader and manager, you are an important source of inspiration and influence on how things go in the organization. Vision, communication, and collaboration are of essential importance in this regard. Sometimes, it’s nice to be able to discuss these matters with an experienced external sparring partner outside your organization. Merlijn provides you with highly experienced and passionate leadership coaches.


A leadership coach guides you through various aspects and stages of your leadership.

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What does leadership coaching entail?

Leadership coaching involves personal guidance in various aspects of leadership, with the goal of enabling you to function optimally and effectively as a leader. Depending on your leadership challenge, one of our coaches will guide you in a series of 1.5-hour sessions to achieve the desired outcome. If your employer is supporting the coaching process, there will be alignment at the beginning and end of the coaching process between a representative of the employer, yourself, and the coach. You can read about the types of leadership coaching to learn more about what the coaching may entail.

What kind of questions can you bring to a leadership coach?

  • How do I operate as a new leader?
  • Which leadership style suits me and my team?
  • What does it mean for me to operate at a strategic level?
  • How do I handle conflict situations at work?
  • How do I lead change?

Reasons to choose a leadership coach

‘It is lonely at the top’. When you work as a leader, you not only have a role model position but also greater responsibility and a broader scope. At certain times, decisions are expected of you under pressure. Sometimes in areas where you are still exploring. It can be very beneficial to reflect with an experienced professional from outside. A leadership coach can brainstorm with you and enrich your perspective, knowledge, and attitude as a leader. Or be the mirror that you no longer automatically receive in your position.

What does leadership coaching provide you with, among other things?

  • Reflection on your role as a leader
  • Insight into your leadership and communication style
  • Tools to lead change processes
  • Insight into team processes and dynamics
  • Guidance for team development
  • A mirror on your actions and vision
  • A sparring partner for your business
  • Tools to handle difficult situations

Would you like to discuss the possibilities of leadership coaching? Feel free to contact us without obligation.

Tailor-made program


Based on your question, our Unit Coaching quality manager will investigate the most suitable leadership coach for you.


We will connect you with an experienced leadership coach with whom you will further explore your coaching request and initiate the process.


We provide a customized quote, where depending on the preferences and coaching needs, coaching can take place online, at your home, at an employer's location, at the coach's practice space, or at one of our Castle locations.

The use of leadership coaching

What can Merlijn do for your leadership question?

Depending on the nature of your issue, Merlijn will work with you to find a suitable coaching trajectory and an experienced coach to work with. Below you will find an overview of the various areas in which our leadership coaches operate.

  • Starting as a manager or leader

    Do you have the opportunity to take a next step towards a coordinating, supervisory, or leadership position? Do you want to receive support in developing ‘soft skills’ in the process? A Merlijn coaching program provides you with tools to handle your changing tasks and position more effectively. You will learn, among other things, how to handle change and conflict situations, and explore various leadership and communication styles and how to apply them in your new role.

  • Executive coaching

    Have you been a leader in your organization for a long time? In that case, an external coach can be your sparring partner to help you see challenging and complex issues from a different perspective and provide you with new insights. Depending on your coaching request and the industry in which you work, our Unit Coaching coordinator will find a suitable match with one of our experienced leadership coaches.

  • Business coaching

    Are you the leader of a business and in need of a sparring partner who can guide you in making your company more successful? An experienced Merlijn business coach can assist you in strengthening your proposition and refining your business model so that you are prepared for what is expected of you in these times. In consultation with our coordinator, you will receive the right match for your business.

  • Equine Coaching

    During a coaching session with horses, an individual or a team, following an intake conversation, enters the arena with horses with a research question. The issue becomes visible and tangible through the reactions of the horse, providing insight into it. A horse, operating under herd laws, always works for the collective and focuses on the healthy aspects of individuals, relationships, or groups to restore balance within the inner herd. Horses respond to situations and themes where the pressure is highest, making visible the patterns at play and what is needed in the here and now. The information from a ‘horse scan’ provides profound insight into what is truly happening. Its effect can be observed afterward in a tangible shift in daily life and work. Horse coaching supports, among other things, leadership themes and collaboration and mergers.


About leadership coaching


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