Employment Mediation

Formal guidance

An employment mediator focuses on workplace conflicts and other situations related to work. A disrupted employment relationship can have a profound impact on both the employee and the employer. The employment mediator can help prevent a conflict with the employer or employee from escalating further.

Sometimes, a conversation with an employment mediator can provide new insights and help resolve issues smoothly. It may also be better to part ways. In such cases, the employment mediator assists in terminating an employment agreement.


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What does employment mediation involve?

Employment mediation deals with workplace relationships. Work is important. Of course, because it occupies a significant part of our time, our income depends on it, but also because work often provides a sense of purpose.

A disrupted employment relationship often runs deep and has significant consequences. A lot of time and energy are spent on the workplace conflict. The motivation of the involved employees diminishes, and it can have a negative impact on the health of those employees. Furthermore, the impact of a conflict on (close) colleagues is significant, with all its consequences.

In short, an employment conflict should be resolved as quickly as possible. The (im)material costs are substantial.

Reasons to choose an employment mediator

  • The employment mediator provides the peace and safety that the conflicting parties need to express themselves and listen.
  • Partners explore the workplace conflict and search for common interests
  • Once the interests are clear, the conflicting parties negotiate how they want to proceed (together) in their work.
  • Sometimes, the conclusion is that further cooperation is not an option. In that case, parties negotiate, with the mediator’s guidance, the termination of the employment relationship. It is important that pain, disappointment, and anger are transformed into acceptance, as well as financially feasible agreements. Conflicting parties can then part ways in a suitable and honest manner for both parties.
  • The employment mediator has knowledge of the relevant economic/legal aspects (termination, dissolution, severance pay, and the judge’s formula, unemployment rights, notice periods, prohibitions on termination, and non-compete clauses), so that parties can make realistic and reasonable choices.

The Merlijn Groep guarantees that the agreements clients make comply with legal frameworks.

Different types of mediations

  • Pre-mediation / Facilitated Discussion. A pre-mediator/facilitator guides a conversation between conflicting parties without the formal guidelines that come with a mediation process.
  • Employment Mediation. An employment mediator primarily focuses on conflicts in the workplace.
  • Exit mediation. An exit mediator ensures that the conflict and the relationship are terminated amicably through mutual agreement.
  • Policy Mediation. A policy mediator deals with complex societal conflicts and policy issues that have become deadlocked.
  • Business Mediation. A business mediator understands the culture and processes within the companies they are involved with.
  • Family Mediation. A family mediator focuses on disrupted family relationships. This includes inheritance disputes, dealing with newly formed family dynamics, and of course, divorces.
  • Employee Representation Mediation / OR Mediation. An employee representation mediator handles conflicts between management and the Works Council (OR) or between different employee representation bodies.
  • Government Mediation. A government mediator is well-versed in government operations, administrative law, and serves as a bridge and translator of interests.
  • Pension Mediation. A pension mediator is familiar with the intricate and complex world of pensions. They often deal with parties who may not know each other.
  • Team Mediation. EA team mediator focuses on the interaction patterns within a team.
  • Online mediation. Online mediation takes place over the internet and follows the mediation process like any other.

Do you have a conflict and are you looking for a mediator? Or would you like to discuss the possibilities of mediation? Feel free to contact us without obligation.


About Employment mediation


For Employment mediation

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Our Employment mediators

All professionals

Types of mediation

Different mediation specializations


Pre-mediation is onderzoeken of een mediation nodig of mogelijk is. Zonder de juridische regels die een mediation traject kenmerkt, is dit gesprek een stuk informeler. Conflictpartners …

Meer over Pre-mediation

Exit mediation

Exit mediation is the term we use to describe mediation in which it is already clear or becomes clear during the mediation process that a collaboration is being terminated, typically in…

Meer over Exit mediation

Policy Mediation

Policy mediation focuses on 'wicked problems,' complex societal conflicts, and gridlocked policy issues. Often, in policy mediation, one or more government entities are always involved.…

Meer over Policy Mediation

Zakelijke mediation

Zakelijke mediation, ook wel bekend als business mediation, draait om zakelijke conflicten. Een businessmediator is bekend met de cultuur van een bedrijf én heeft kennis van het bedrij…

Meer over Zakelijke mediation

Family mediation

A family mediator focuses on conflicts in relationships, family disputes, and other problematic situations. The mediator guides you and your loved ones in managing emotions, so that the…

Meer over Family mediation


Bij een OR-mediation richt de mediator zich op problemen en conflicten tussen het bestuur en de vertegenwoordiging van de medewerkers in een organisatie. Dit kan de PVT (personeelsverte…

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Bij overheidsmediation bemiddelt de mediator tussen overheid en burger. Deze vorm van mediation decimeert het aantal procedures en verbetert de relatie tussen de overheid en haar burger…

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Het gaat bij een pensioenconflict vaak om complexe materie, waarover onduidelijke afspraken zijn gemaakt. De relatie tussen partijen is niet van belang omdat conflictpartners elkaar nie…

Meer over Pensioenmediation

Team mediation

In a team mediation, the mediator focuses on issues or conflicts within a team. If teamwork has come to a standstill, team mediation can provide a solution. In a team, it's about the in…

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Online mediation

Wanneer de reisafstand tussen partijen te groot is of tijdens een pandemie kan het handig of noodzakelijk zijn om de mediation online te doen. Via een beveiligde en afgeschermde online …

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