
Conflict support by independent experts

In arbitration, an arbitrator issues a verdict for a complex problem or conflict. The arbitrator is an independent expert who makes decisions for you. The verdict is binding and can be enforced by a bailiff with minimal formal court intervention.

Arbitration is the right choice for a complex problem that requires a quick, definitive solution. You are free to agree on confidentiality with your conflict partner. The verdict is not public.


Choosing a conflict guidance method: the lighter the better

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What does arbitration entail?

In arbitration, the subject matter expert issues a verdict for a complex problem or conflict based on hearing from both sides. Hearing from both sides, if desired, takes place on-site.

The arbitrator records the outcome of the arbitration in an arbitral award, which is deposited at the court’s registry. Enforcing the decision is straightforward: through a bailiff with minimal court intervention.

If the expertise of an arbitrator is insufficient for the complexity of the issue, a panel of arbitrators is called for. The panel comprises multiple subject matter experts who complement each other in a way that covers the entire issue.

Reasons to choose arbitration

Arbitration is used when there is freedom of choice, a relatively complex dispute, significant (financial) interests, or when a quick, definitive solution is needed. It can also be used for a layered conflict that requires professional assessment by more than one experienced expert with their specific experiences and qualities.

The benefits of Arbitration:

  • Arbitration provides conflicting parties with the assurance of a relatively definitive solution within a relatively short time (measured in months rather than years).
  • Similar to (non-)binding advice, judgment and subject matter expertise are combined in one person (or multiple individuals in the case of a panel of arbitrators).
  • Confidentiality is possible, whereas a judicial procedure is always public.

Do you have a conflict and are you considering arbitration? Or would you like to discuss the possibilities? Feel free to contact us without obligation.



About arbitration


For arbitration

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