Advice on Desired Social Etiquette (part of Risk Assessment and Evaluation)

Psychosocial support

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, every employer is obligated to prevent or minimize Psychosocial Workload (PSA) as much as possible. This means, among other things, that there must be a policy in place regarding unwanted social interactions.

The Risk Assessment and Evaluation (RI&E) is an important tool in the policy regarding unwanted social interactions. We often observe that the RI&E does not pay attention to this aspect. Even when there are issues with unwanted behavior within the organization, many employers find themselves at a loss.

Our experts can assist with that.


Trends in Risk Assessment and Evaluation

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Indicators for Utilizing Merlijn’s Assistance:

  1. Internal Confidential Advisor
    Perhaps you have an internal confidential advisor who is perfectly capable of supporting and assisting individuals reporting unwanted behavior, but who finds it challenging to provide management with advice on matters such as a code of conduct, a complaints procedure, or the PSA section within the RI&E.
  2. Serious and/or Frequently Occurring Unwanted Behavior
    Or has it been identified within your organization that there is a presence of serious and/or frequently occurring unwanted behavior, and are you seeking a partner to brainstorm solutions for addressing this?
  3. Satisfaction Survey or Signals from the Works Council
    It could also be the case that, for example, an employee satisfaction survey or signals from the Works Council or the confidential advisor indicate that something is consistently not going well in the area of unwanted behavior. In such cases, an investigation by an advisor can often quickly provide clarity about the issues at hand. And, of course, the advisor can also provide guidance and support in addressing the problem.

Are you looking for an advisor on desired social etiquette? Or would you like to discuss the possibilities? Feel free to contact us without any obligation. We are happy to brainstorm with you at

Tailor-made program

This way, we together create the perfect trajectory.


You can get in touch with Merlijn's back office.


We will connect you with our Desired Social Etiquette advisor who will listen to you and ask questions to better understand your needs.


We will provide a customized quote, with the option to utilize one of our Castle venues.


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