Theater Hotel Figi
Theater Hotel Figi
Take mediation courses and training sessions in Zeist - near Utrecht!
The history of Hotel Theater Figi dates back to 1850. The foundation for the current FIGI was laid in 1850 with the opening of a confectionery by the Hernhutter Ludwig Wunsche. In 1917, FIGI came into the ownership of the Ruijs family.
Theo Ruijs Sr. added a hotel and concert hall to the business in 1925. All of his brothers and sisters found a place in the family business. The first generation of Ruijs laid the foundations of modern FIGI. The festive opening of the concert hall took place in 1925, and since then, many artists and theater groups have graced the stages of FIGI. A tradition from that time is the signing of FIGI’s guest book by actors and musicians. After years of successive renovations and expansions of the building complex, the second generation Ruijs concluded that the old FIGI no longer met their needs. By the end of 1994, the new hotel-theater was completed: a building complex with a distinctive interior style created by the renowned design duo Ravage, based in Paris. In 2016, with Victoria Ruijs as the director, the third generation took the helm at FIGI. Innovation is the keyword at Figi.
Why does Merlijn choose castles? Read more here!
Address details:
Het rond 2
3701 HS
Distance from Theater Hotel Figi to >
- Leeuwarden ± 1 hour and 55 minutes [164km]
- Groningen ± 2 hours and 12 minutes [189km]
- Assen ± 1 hour and 47 minutes [159 Km]
- Arnhem ± 42 minutes [51km]
- ’s-Hertogenbosch ± 47 minutes [59,6km]
- Maastricht ± 2 hour and 2 minutes [183 Km]
- Middelburg ± 2 hours and 3 minutes [173]
- Den Haag ± 1 hour and 4 minutes [74,4km]
- Haarlem ± 1 hour and 2 minutes [72,4km]
- Utrecht ± 20 minutes [9,8km]
- Lelystad ± 56 minutes [70,2km]
- Amsterdam ± 49 minutes [57,3km]
Accessibility by public transportation:
Travel by train to the completely renovated NS station Driebergen-Zeist (approximately 3 kilometers from Figi). In a few minutes, bus line 50 towards Utrecht will take you to the Het Rond bus stop for Figi. Or, bike to Figi in 5 minutes with the sustainable public transport bicycle (check availability). Check for current times on or Hotel Figi collaborates with a trusted partner, Taxi Boute. You can reach them at 088-5534400.
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