Landhuis de Oliphant
Landhuis de Oliphant
Take trust-person courses and training sessions right in the heart of Rotterdam - easily accessible from The Hague & Haarlem!
Landhuis de Oliphant, located in Rotterdam South with a vast garden, easily accessible from Haarlem.
In 1591, as the Middle Ages were coming to an end, Cornelis van Coolwijk commissioned the construction of a house on the island of Voorne, a country house with the grandeur of a castle that would radiate prestige and authority. Van Coolwijk lived in Delft at ‘In de Gulden Olyphant,’ which is why the name for the ‘castle,’ De Oliphant, was quickly chosen. As a steward, he had interests on Voorne and wanted to make his influence and prestige visible through this construction.
The country house has had a turbulent history, filled with dynamism, serving as an estate, a base for tenant farmers, the official residence of the mayor of Zwartewaal in the 19th century, and it even served as a dairy factory.
Het voortbestaan van dit historische monument werd een aantal keren bedreigd o.a. door de watersnood in 1953. Demolition was considered multiple times. In the hands of notary Korteweg, the country house underwent a thorough restoration in 1929. In 1975, the monument was saved once again by moving it in its entirety to Charlois on IJsselmonde. At its current location on the Kromme Zandweg, the Oliphant stands proudly once more as one of the few remaining castle-like farmsteads from the 16th century.
Now it is a fantastic venue for festive events, as well as for training and meetings. The building combines luxury and efficiency with warmth, atmosphere, and beautiful memories of a glorious era that continues in Rotterdam.
Why does Merlijn choose castles? Read more here!
Address details:
Landhuis de Oliphant
Kromme Zandweg 90
3084 ND Rotterdam
Distance from Landhuis de Oliphant to >
- Leeuwarden ± 2 hours and 30 minutes [209 Km]
- Groningen ± 2 hours and 55 minutes [249 Km]
- Assen ± 2 hours and 45 minutes [227 Km]
- Zwolle ± 1 hour and 50 minutes [152 Km]
- Arnhem ± 1 hour and 30 minutes [120 Km]
- ’s-Hertogenbosch ± 1 hour and 5 minutes [84 Km]
- Maastricht ± 2 hour and 15 minutes [204 Km]
- Middelburg ± 1 hour and 15 minutes [100 Km]
- Den Haag ± 35 minutes [31 Km]
- Haarlem ± 1 hour and 1 minutes [86,1 Km]
- Utrecht ± 1 hour [64 Km]
- Lelystad ± 1 hour and 40 minutes [127 Km]
- Amsterdam ± 1 hour and 10 minutes [78 Km]
Accessibility by public transportation:
Take the train or tram to ‘Lombardijen Station’. In about twenty minutes, frequent bus 70 towards Charlois will take you to the Nachtegaalplein bus stop in Rotterdam. This bus stop is a one-minute walk from the location. Check for current times on or
Training sessions at Landhuis de Oliphant.
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