Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

View Merlijn's complaints procedure here

Why a complaints procedure?

The management of Merlijn is committed to delivering high-quality training, advice, and mediation and coaching processes. However, there may be situations where the client deems this quality insufficient and wishes to file a complaint. For this purpose, a complaints procedure is in place. This procedure allows Merlijn’s clients to address complaints regarding the quality of the services provided. In addition to serving as a means for signaling and improvement, the complaints procedure aims to address the complaint to the satisfaction of the complainant through consultation and, if possible, arrive at a resolution. Upon receipt of a complaint form, the receipt will be acknowledged within 3 business days, and the complainant will be informed of the further procedure.


Initially, a member of the management or an employee of Merlijn will contact the complainant within 14 days to discuss the complaint and attempt to find a resolution. The person who contacts the complainant depends on the subject and context of the complaint. If an immediate solution is not possible, mediation will be attempted to resolve the issue with the party against whom the complaint is directed. he mediation is led by a member of the management or an employee who is not involved in the execution of the assignment. It applies the principle of ‘hear both sides,’ attempts to reach a solution that both parties can agree on, and provides advice on how the complaint could be resolved. The complainant will be informed of this within 14 days after the mediation attempt. If more time is needed, you will receive a notification within 14 days along with a response time frame.

Public access to the complaints procedure

The management of Merlijn ensures that this procedure is made available for its clients and stakeholders for review.


All individuals involved in the complaint process at or through Merlijn, as well as the aforementioned binding advisor, are responsible for treating the complaint confidentially with respect to the complainant.

Changes to the procedure

In cases not covered by the procedure, an independent third party will make a binding decision through binding advice. Any consequences of that advice will be addressed by Merlijn within three days after the advice is provided. The binding advisor is:

mr. J.C. (Chris) Hesen
Maliesingel 22
3581 BG Utrecht
030 214 50 24

Retention period

The complaint file will be retained by Merlijn for a minimum of two years after the date of the final resolution of the complaint.


Merlijn Groep
Veemarktkade 8 (ruimte 1019)
5222 AE s’-Hertogenbosch

Download and print the Complaint Form – Merlijn Groep

An independent external ombudsman

Merlijn has appointed an independent, non-affiliated external Ombudsman for the benefit of its partners and the back office. The scope of work includes unwanted behavior and integrity issues.


Mevrouw Mr. Margriet Maris
contactable via phone/WhatsApp at 06 5116 6161 and by email


trained over 3000 mediators


affiliated professionals


Average customer rating


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